Supertough Professional Bite Sleeve for Malinois Advanced Training
Are your going to train your Belgian Shepherd in advanced level? Choose the very finest bite sleeve for professional training sessions! This dog bite sleeve is used by leading trainers for IGP, KNPV, Ring Sport, French Ring and other sports competitions preparing and participation. Get this revolutionary dog bite sleeve for safe, effective and successful training!
This bite sleeve is used with a protective cover ONLY!
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Professional Bite Sleeve for Advanced Dog Training
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Flexibility Regulation for Bite Training Sessions
Key qualities of this Bite Training Sleeve:
- hard-wearing materials
- safe for dog and trainer
- hypoallergic and non-toxic
- inner handle for better mobility
- regulated flexibility
- 3 ways adjustable bite area
- 6 ways adjustable handle
- reliable stitching
- shoulder protection
- used with sleeve cover ONLY
- soft interior
- selected quality
Functionality of this Dog Bite Sleeve:
- police dog training
- guard dog training
- attack and protection training
- dog training for special units
- sport competitions
This dog training sleeve combines work of 3 bite sleeves! Can you imagine that you get three-in-one sleeve for dog training? The sleeve is super tough, hard-wearing, safe for dog and trainer, functional and secure. It has wide bite area with flexibility regulation. The sleeve is soft inside. Inner handle provides great mobility of the sleeve. Your arm and shoulder will be fully protected with the sleeve on. This is the choice of IGP and WUSV competitions!
See How Belgian Malinois Is Trained with Our Protective Bite Sleeve
Images from Our Shoppers
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Professional Bite Sleeve Arm and Shoulder Protection
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Arm and Shoulder Protection Sleeve with Super Durable Jute Cover
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Sergei Beresowski (Steelblood Bandog Kennels) Trains Malinois with Our Bite Sleeve and Cover
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Malinois Attack Training with Advanced Bite Sleeve and Jute Cover
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Belgian Malinois Bite Training Session with Superhard Sleeve and Cover
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Jute Cover Makes the Sleeve Extremely Durable and Resistant to Malinois Bites
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Belgian Malinois Bite Training Is Very Effective with Sleeve and Cover
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Malinois Got the Sleeve as a Reward for Good Training
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Perfect Dog Bite Training Equipment for Professional Trainer
PAY ATTENTION! The jute cover, which comes in a set with this IGP sleeve, is used for dog training. We recommend choosing the following covers for trials and championships. Click on the pictures to learn more about these covers.

See more dog training equipment for your Belgian Shepherd.