
Dog Hurdle Jump with Rotating Crossbar for IGP Training

Dog Hurdle Jump with Rotating Crossbar for IGP Training

Thank for support and quality products to my sponsor ForDogTrainers and a special thanks for interes...Read More

Saygin Yalvac, Turkey, 05/22/2019
5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars
Best Design Wire Dog Muzzle UK, Perfect for Large Breeds

Best Design Wire Dog Muzzle UK, Perfect for Large Breeds

Amazing quality and minimum waiting of these 2 muzzles by FDT for my 2 wolf dogs. Both muzzles are c...Read More

Alex Evans, United Kingdom, 05/21/2019
5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars
Dog Bite Sleeve with Jute Cover for Advanced IGP Training

Dog Bite Sleeve with Jute Cover for Advanced IGP Training

Sleeve is great, sleeve cover is lasting longer than US made covers....Read More

Mike, US, United States, 05/20/2019
5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars
French Linen Bite Tug for German Shepherd

French Linen Bite Tug for German Shepherd

The products were shipped yesterday. They seem to be of excellent quality. Thank you and best regard...Read More

Giovanni Luigi, Italy, 05/08/2019
5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars
Warm and Support Your Beagle with the Best Dog Harness Vest!

Warm and Support Your Beagle with the Best Dog Harness Vest!

Good morning, Ms. Steel, I got the harness yesterday and it fits ideally. Thank you....Read More

Ruth, Eschborn, Germany, 05/08/2019
5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars